Author Archives: WB Engineering

About WB Engineering

WB Engineering is a product design company located in Miami, Florida. We assist our clients in consolidating their product development and design cycles. At WB Engineering, we specialize in creating products optimized for better functionality, manufacturability, and profitability.
Ergonomic Design The Critical Role in Medical Device Concept

Ergonomic Design The Critical Role in Medical Device Concept

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare technology, the design and functionality of medical devices play a pivotal role in ensuring optimal patient care and the efficiency of healthcare professionals. WB Engineering, a leading engineering design consulting and product development firm, delves into the significance of incorporating ergonomics into medical device design. This approach enhances [...]Read More »
Embracing Generative Design in Medical Device Development: Explore How Generative Design Is Revolutionizing Medical Device Manufacturing by Optimizing Product Design for Functionality, Manufacturability, and Aesthetics

Embracing Generative Design in Medical Device Development: Explore How Generative Design Is Revolutionizing Medical Device Manufacturing by Optimizing Product Design for Functionality, Manufacturability, and Aesthetics

In the fast-evolving landscape of medical device development, staying ahead of technological advancements is not just beneficial; it's essential. At WB Engineering, we are at the forefront of integrating cutting-edge tools like Generative Design to revolutionize how medical devices are conceived, designed, and manufactured. This innovative approach enhances the functionality and manufacturability of products and [...]Read More »
Innovative Materials in Medical Device Design: Opportunities and Challenges

Innovative Materials in Medical Device Design: Opportunities and Challenges

Innovative materials play a crucial role in the design and development of medical devices, offering new opportunities for enhancing product quality, efficacy, and patient safety. The integration of these materials into medical device design can significantly improve the performance and functionality of the final product. However, navigating the complexities of selecting and implementing these materials [...]Read More »
Advancements in 3D Printing for Custom Medical Devices: Dive into how 3D printing technology is revolutionizing the production of custom-fit medical devices and prosthetics

Advancements in 3D Printing for Custom Medical Devices: Dive into how 3D printing technology is revolutionizing the production of custom-fit medical devices and prosthetics

In recent years, the medical industry has witnessed a revolutionary shift towards personalized care, significantly propelled by advancements in 3D printing technology. Custom-fit medical devices and prosthetics, once a dream, are now a tangible reality, thanks to the precision, efficiency, and flexibility offered by 3D printing. However, harnessing this technology to its full potential requires [...]Read More »
Revolutionizing Medical Device Development: The Synergy of CAD and Generative Design

Revolutionizing Medical Device Development: The Synergy of CAD and Generative Design

In the rapidly advancing field of medical device development, the fusion of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Generative Design is setting new benchmarks for innovation, efficiency, and customization. This powerful combination leverages the precision and versatility of CAD with the AI-driven capabilities of Generative Design to pioneer solutions that were once deemed impractical or impossible. As [...]Read More »
Benefits of 3D printing in the medical devices industry

Benefits of 3D printing in the medical devices industry

Customization and Personalization 3D printing allows for the creation of custom-made medical devices tailored to individual patients' specific needs and anatomy. This is particularly beneficial in orthopedics, dental implants, and prosthetics, where personalized devices can significantly improve patient outcomes. Rapid Prototyping With 3D printing, prototypes of medical devices can be produced much faster than traditional [...]Read More »
US Air Force Uses Senvol Software To Develop Multi Laser 3d Printing Applications

US Air Force Uses Senvol Software To Develop Multi Laser 3d Printing Applications

The US Air Force is using Senvol’s data-driven machine learning software for additive manufacturing (AM), to enable the production of large-scale aerospace parts using multi-laser 3D printing technology. Utilizing an EOS powder bed fusion (LPBF) 3D printer, the program is focused on developing baseline mechanical properties and design allowables, to optimize the production of end-use components. “AM has recently demonstrated the [...]Read More »
Prosthetic Supports For Derby the Dog

Prosthetic Supports For Derby the Dog

Derby was born with a disability but that didn't mean that he was going to be disabled. Derby's life, enhanced by 3D printing 3D scanning software and 3D printing allows Derby to walk and run. With his prosthetics created through personal 3D scan data, Geomagic Freeform sculpting software, and printed on a 3D Systems ProJet [...]Read More »
Four Productivity Strategies for Toolmakers during a Global Pandemic

Four Productivity Strategies for Toolmakers during a Global Pandemic

Businesses are operating in an environment unlike anything most have experienced in their lifetime. The challenges placed in front of businesses by the global pandemic are highlighting the need for resilient business processes. Toolmakers who invest in the technology to support such processes are better equipped to withstand these challenges today and well positioned for [...]Read More »
SLM Solutions Partners With Camwell Medical To Develop 3D Printed Surgical Implants

SLM Solutions Partners With Camwell Medical To Develop 3D Printed Surgical Implants

German metal 3D printer manufacturer SLM Solutions has announced it has entered into a partnership with Canwell Medical, a medical device manufacturer based in China. As part of their collaboration, Canwell Medical will use SLM 3D printers to develop and manufacture surgical implants. SLM Solutions will also provide technical and application assistance to Canwell Medical, [...]Read More »